2014 “Cultures of China, Festival of Spring”
 “文化中国·四海同春” 2014 新春晚会
2月19日于哈利法克斯Dalhousie大学Rebecca Cohn剧场隆重上演

演出时间/Time: 7:30PM, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
演出地点/Venue: Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, Dalhousie Arts Centre, 6101 University Ave, Halifax

简介 | Introduction


经中国大使馆大力推荐,国侨办批准,2014年“文化中国•四海同春” 将于2月19日晚7:30在哈法市的Rebecca Cohn 剧场隆重上演, 与本地的华侨华人共和留学生一道欢庆马年新春!这是在加拿大唯一的一场慰侨访演! 也是本市有史以来第一次国家级文艺团体到本市演出!


"Cultures of China, Festival of Spring (CCFS)" is a very important annual cultural event for national top artists from China to perform aboard to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival with people all around the world.

The CCFS will make its debut in Halifax on February 19, 2014 at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium of Dalhousie Arts Centre to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Horse with Chinese and Canadian people in Halifax and from other cities of Canadian Atlantic provinces.

This feast of traditional arts includes the Peking Opera performed by national top-level artists Mr. YU Kuizhi and Ms. LI Shengsu; the Chinese folk dances presented by the Nanjing Qianxian Culture Troupe and traditional Chinese instrument Erhu solo by Erhu performer Mr. YANG Jiqiang; and the Chinese folk songs presented by famous and national top-level vocalists Ms. DONG Wenhua, Mr. YANG Hongji, Mr. CAI Guoqing, and Ms. LIU yanyan.

艺术家简介|Artists Top

该艺术团演员阵容强大, 群星璀璨。 其中包括:
中国著名的男中音歌唱家,为几十部电影、电视剧录制主题歌。演唱过《滚滚长江东逝水》,《莫斯科郊外的晚上》,《满江红》,《短歌行》等经典曲目, 脍炙人口,家喻户晓。在海顿(Haydn)的大型古典音乐作品《四季颂》(Seasons), 威尔第(Verdi)的《安魂曲》(Requiem), 海顿的《创世纪》(Creation), 莫扎特(Mozart)的《弥撒》(Mass)等多部大型古典音乐作品中担任男中音独唱重唱。
著名二胡演奏家。南京军区政治部前线文工团艺术指导,原南京军区前线歌舞团团长,国家一级演奏员。1961年起先后在南京市歌舞团和南京市民族管弦乐队担任二胡独奏,为来访国宾表演。1965年与国内知名歌唱家应南京军区前线歌舞团之邀出访欧洲。1966年调入前线歌舞团,历任该团乐队队长、副团长、团长。以二胡为主兼以中胡、高胡、 板胡的演奏,形成自己的风格。
南京军区政治部文工团 - 央视春晚御用舞蹈队
歌舞团建团50多年来,创作演出了一大批具有时代风貌、民族底蕴、军旅特色、江南风情的音乐、舞蹈、话剧、电视剧和曲艺节目。并多次参与全国重大演出,在许多重大比赛和活动中获奖。代表剧目有歌曲《茉莉花》、 《太湖美》、《走进新时代》, 歌剧《红霞》、《芳草心》,舞蹈有《丰收歌》、《再见吧,妈妈》、《黄河魂》、《小城雨巷》等。
Artists included:
Ms. Dong, Wenhua
A very famous female vocalist in China who is well-known for her amazing songs of “Full Moon”, “Story of Spring”, etc. A recipient of Chinese Ministry of Culture special award, Ms. Dong performed at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Carnegie Hall in New York.
Mr. Yang, Hongji
A very famous male baritone in China. His representative songs include a baritone solo quartet in Haydn’s “The Seasons” and “Creation”, Verdi's "Requiem ", Mozart's “Mass” and many other major works of classical music. Mr. Yang’s other popular songs include “The Billowing Yangtze River Flows East”, which is the theme song of TV series Romance of the Three Kingdoms”; “Moscow Suburban Night” and “Manjianghong”.
Mr. Cai, Guoqing
A very famous male pop vocalist in China. Handsome and elegant, Mr. Cai is an idol for many young and mid-aged people. Mr. Cai is also a member of All-China Youth Federation and Standing Director of China Pop Music Association, and also the national top-level actor of The PLA General Political Department Chorus.
Mr. Yu, Kuizhi
One of the most famous Peking Opera actors specializing elderly male characters. He is the Vice President and Artistic Director of China National Peking Opera Company.
Mr. Yang Jiqiang
China’s top-level Erhu player, the artistic director of the Qianxian Culture Troupe. He was the Erhu soloist in Nanjing City Troupe and Nanjing Traditional Orchestra. He’ll play the “Jasmine Flower”, “Racing Horses” and other well-known pieces using Erhu, Chung-hu, Kao-hu and Pan-hu.
Ms. Li, Shengsu
The winner of the China's 13th Drama Plum Blossom Prize. Ms. Li is a bellwether of Chinese Opera and the most famous representative of Mei-Style Peking Opera.
Mr. Hou, Yong (host)
China's top-level actor who is famous for his rendition in Charging Out Amazon. He was rewarded Huabiao Film Awards, The Golden Eagle Award and Flying Goddess Award for many TV dramas and movies.
Qianxian Culture Troupe - The performing group from China's CCTV Spring Festival Gala
Qianxian Culture Troupe has produced and performed many music and dance programs that reflect the characteristics of Chinese folk culture, especially that in the Jiangnan area. Among them are Jasmine Flower, Beautiful Taihu Lake, Don't Be Depressed, Enter a New Era, The Red Glow of the Morning Clouds, The Heart of Fragrant Grass, The Song of a Bumper Harvest.

在线购票|Tickets Top

票价: $40, $60, $80


  • Box Office, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, Dalhousie Arts Centre
    902-494-3820, 1800-874-1669
  • Atlantic Eye Centre, 5689 Spring Garden Road, Halifax
  • China Town Restaurant, 381 Bedford Highway

在线购票: https://kil-dacweb-3.cohn.dal.ca/online/default.asp

Prices: $40, $60, $80

Ticket Offices:

  • Box Office, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, Dalhousie Arts Centre
    902-494-3820, 1800-874-1669
  • Atlantic Eye Centre, 5689 Spring Garden Road, Halifax
  • China Town Restaurant, 381 Bedford Highway

Buy Tickets Online: https://kil-dacweb-3.cohn.dal.ca/online/default.asp

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